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Reporting and insights

We are an industry leader in energy saving in New Zealand. We have partnered with a world-leading energy technology company that manages 530,000 meters and over $8.7 billion in energy spending across six countries. We’ve brought this technology to New Zealand businesses to give you the tools to manage your carbon footprint and start the journey to carbon net zero plans.

Put simply, net zero means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible.

This software will allow you to save on energy costs and have the most advanced, automated technology delivering energy and sustainability data that sets the new benchmark for net zero data accuracy. This creates a centralised location that is easy to use, allowing for quick decision-making that you can rely on for your business, customers, and stakeholders.

We will reduce errors, provide real-time data, and help you save on energy costs. We aim to speed up businesses’ time taken to reach their carbon net zero goals.

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How it works


We collect all energy invoices from suppliers instantly in one location.


We then extract data with audit accuracy for complete bill management and reporting.


100% of your energy bill data is scanned for errors and inconsistencies. The data is integrated into your enterprise system so you can see exactly where you can save.


We provide engaging, bespoke reporting on your energy use and spend. We can set goals and track emissions to streamline sustainability performance.


Overall you can manage your energy bills more efficiently, including usage, spend, budget, and forecast, all in one centralised location.


Book your free energy call

Get in touch today to learn how much you could save using our specialised process.

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